How to be Evil: A Goddess' Guide This story was commissioned by the very kind gtscommissions - who was really great to work with! *** It approached slowly. A crash of cascading waves from beyond distant oceans; rocking freighters and cruise ships like toy boats; tearing through transient sandcastles and beach huts. Air pressure and temperature readings from below the water shifted wildly - like the warm, pulsing breaths of an otherworldly beast. A beast on a direct path for the largest coastal city. Officials had no time to evacuate, or even prepare a defense. The sprawling metropolitan region fell under a vast, rising shadow: a svelte silhouette, painted against trembling blood-red skies. Her silhouette. A monolithic girl rose from the violent seas. Salty water shimmered across her golden, flowing hair. Streams cascaded down to her torso - wet beads clung to rope-sized threads of blue fabric, pressed across a generous bust. Her grasping fingers, large enough to bring redwoods to shame, held either hip: themselves sloping, swaying mountains. With every step towards the continent, across the rising seafloor, her delicate features stretched higher into the sky. A thin, misty alpenglow formed around her majestic, statuesque legs, clad in tightly-clinging kneesocks. Citizens' necks craned up, jaws dropping in disbelief. Between the harsh perspective; the change in light as she eclipsed the sun; and the subtle, encroaching pound of her heart; some fainted. Everything that wasn't nailed down tilted and rattled from the approaching cadence of the titanic footsteps. Their terrified scurrying was but a blur of formless noise and chaos beneath her upturned nose. Her eyes were half-opened, piercing holes in the trembling land below as they scanned. A smug, knowing smirk traversed the deep trenches of this girl's pink lips... parting to reveal guillotine-sharp teeth, clacking in mockery. "Kyahahaha! ...Haaa-h!... *HACK*!" In quick, earth-shattering pounds, her massive fist pounded her stomach. "Kyaha! Insignificant dust mites, crawl out of your flimsy ant hills! Prepare to finally witness the glory of a g-g-*ghaaack*-!" She coughed out rivers of saltwater, hunching over. The ominous clouds hanging above the settlement disappeared her green, gagging face. "...Swallowed water... *choke*... S-salty... *ack*... I had no idea how deep that ocean was! All this lung damage for a dramatic entrance..." The city went still for a second. All breaths held still, as she coughed out a gargantuan submarine. Torrential downpours assaulted the land while she hastily rung out her outfit, and tried to get her long stretches of wet hair back in place again. Taking a long breath - regaining the puff in her heaving chest - the behemoth girl finally addressed them once more. "...Foolish parasites, you're nothing but filthy worms scurrying in the mud! How does it feel to bask in my glory?" She leaned in closer - placing a looming hand at the deep, pale tunnel of her right ear. Strands of her blonde locks brushed through the streets, knocking smaller people over. With excitement, her clear voice echoed off high-rising structures: "Tell me, after eons of building these towers, what's it like to finally be where you belong?" For a reaction, she inched a looming loafer close to the town's outskirts. Nary a structure managed to reach its spectacular heights. After a few seconds, the invader added: "...I mean, absolutely beneath me, an omnipotent goddess! Are you scared? Surprised? Excited!... I wouldn't know, please, tell me!" Her ear dangled above them. From every corner of their lands, one could feel every subtle flex of her facial muscles, and witness the sway of her bright hair, each a swinging Sword of Damocles. Distress, anguish, and various pleading cries mixed together in a startled, shapeless noise. In one voice, the populace screamed together. The giantess stuck her voluminous pinky in her ear. "I... I really can't hear. Urgh, water clogging up my ears..." She slowly, awkwardly, slapped her other ear. A few puddles crashed out of the tunnels, with assorted fish and snorkelers. "...Uh, are you still talking? You're, you're all so quiet... This is really going to make communication awkward..." At a loss, the towering maiden reached into her pocket. She pulled out a huge, slightly water-damaged book, with the title How to Be Evil in capital letters. She squatted over, the curve of her cheeks only barely brushing by some twig-like towers and monuments. This afforded the city momentary peace in the chaos, as this looming giantess flipped the pages. She mouthed out a few words, unaware that people could hear her whispering: "... Can't mess this up... Already too late to get out of here..." As she kept reading, her shoes drew massive craters on either side of town, with nervous fidgets and curls. "Ah, that's it." In a sudden, earth-shaking leap, she returned to her full height - peering down at the landscape through her nose. "It doesn't matter what you think! I don't care at all what buggies have to say! If your house had an insect infestation, wouldn't you stomp them all out, without any mercy? They get no say in the matter! You pests are just like that to me!" The titan crossed her arms, nodded to herself, and shut her eyes in pride. Every so often, she peeked down, as if expecting someone to applaud. "...Except, well, there aren't any walls or ceilings here..." Her stance went a little sideways, like a leaning tower. "And most people call an exterminator or use pesticide, instead of stomping nests..." Her deep smile sunk a little - before she forced it back up, cheeks higher than ever. "Whatever! The important thing is, you're nothing but bugs before me!" One massive index finger pointed directly to the center of the city - its ridges full of minuscule debris. "...And not bugs with a complex social structures, like ants. Or bugs that are essential to the ecosystem, like bees or butterflies. Or bugs that could seriously hurt someone, like a giant hornet or a tarantula..." That finger drifted away - gravitating to her round chin in thought. "You're... You're less than insects! You're... Weeds! Invasive, clingy, brainless weeds that... that make people itchy!... Except, your roots aren't that deep, and you're squirming way more than plants..." A few more minor tremors rang out, as her massive legs paced, formulating her next piercing insult. "You're... ugly and... dumb! Ahahaha, fear my inhuman cruelty!" With another deep breath, she crouched over - and reached a palm towards the expansive landscape below. The five digits stretched out - able to fit whole roads in the small joints between each dangling phalange. Between her curling fingers, those staring directly up could catch an occasional twinkle in her eye, a peek at her terrible grin, or a slight blush; before the dainty masses once again blotted their vision. "A-any one of these fingertips could tap you, and you'd be deep in a hole!... One that I dug!... In one impact! Or maybe..." Finger by twitching finger, she curled it up into a tight, gargantuan fist. It was like watching skyscrapers fold in on themselves. Sweat built up around her wrist, sloping off the fleshy wrinkles. Flocks of birds flew around her mountainous knuckles, squawking in panic. The hand hovered above the center of town, coating it in shadow. "I could pound you all under my fist! One hit, and you'd be the first underground city!... Uh, unless you count subway systems, I think? I haven't researched your geography and architecture..." By now, most of the citizens were staring up in anticipation - exchanging confused whispers. Many had already started fleeing, hoping to slip her notice between her taunting and reading. On busy highways; in congested trains; and for the upper class, by jets and helicopters; thousands rushed for the outskirts of the city. The threatening, looming fist only hastened their retreat. With each word, it seemed to grow closer, more vast. A few times, she seemed ready to bring it down - only to pull it away at the last moment. Watching from afar, newscasters across the world asked: was she merely prolonging their torture...? ...Or was that a hint of hesitation, in the way she bit her lip...? The ground now ruptured at the sound of her nearby voice. "Say, let's have a closer look! Who cares that I can't hear you!... You filthy sand grains can still entertain me... with the sight of your terrified faces! Ahahaha!" As soon as that roaring laugh ended, walls of skin surrounded the outskirts of town. Crashing from the heavens, the majestic pillars of her fingers reached over them like a dome. In every horizon, to every compass direction, a tower of pinky finger, ring finger, middle finger, index, or thumb brought famous hills and mountain chains to shame. Thanks to the young woman's unfathomable arm span, she had no problem putting each hand on both sides of their metropolis. They burrowed deep tunnels in solid earth, fields, bedrock, highways, and a few luxurious cabins and cottages worth thousands of dollars. They were all like sand, being scooped up by a toy shovel. And she ripped the city clean off the face of the Earth. The escaping populace gasped in unison. Those outskirts, which they were rushing to reach disappeared right out from under them. Their highways cracked apart. Train tunnels twisted, triggering emergency brakes. Sudden wind patterns knocked the airborne travelers out of the skies, forcing emergency landings. For everyone inside the metropolis, the landmarks in the distance seemed to sink away beneath them. For those watching further inland (in relative safety), a massive chunk of soil broke out from the edge of the country. It levitated high into the skies - raining rubble, snapped electrical wires, pipes warped beyond repair, and some very befuddled earthworms. Satellite images showed an empty crater where the grey patch once was. The earthy mass lifted higher and higher, gentle shakes tilting the minuscule inhabitants from room to room, and cars from street to street. Finally, it rested right before its captor's smiling face. The monstrous woman stood tall and proud. No military forces dared strike her. Only her single trembling palm supported the millions of inhabitants above a multi-kilometer drop. The constant shaking dizzied many people. The change in air pressure from altitude, and the invader's eager breaths, sickened more. And the sight and sound of her lips moving again tossed every one of them aback. "Kyahaha! Now, the all-seeing eyes of your q-queen... no, uh, your overlord... I mean, y-your ruler... Y-your destroyer... Your goddess?..." She shook her head, hair generating sonic booms. "Uh, now my all-seeing eyes can make out your ugly, grey trash heaps!" With the titan's eyelids lowering, squinting in self-satisfaction, her lashes hung like a canopy over the cityscape. Every blink generated a long gust of cool air. Hovering over the square rooftops, she dragged one index finger in the air above them, gently flexing it. The prints' ridges, larger than street lanes, barely brushed over the highest radio towers. "I'll start by squishing this little chunk! The..." Her saucer-like pupils shrunk a little as she read it: "The, uh, animal shelter..." The finger faltered. Squirming, and taking a deep inhale, the gargantuan girl finally brought her left hand back to her face, to laugh. "Ohoho, as if! No, cute doggos and kitties are too... Easy! I can only be satisfied by h-human screams... by demolishing their homes... L-like these apartments!" With a *woosh*, sending microbe people's hats flying, and hearts pounding, she positioned the wrecking ball of her hand over a residential district. This was it. She was going to give them a what-for. Closer, and closer, the hand descended. She imagined all the people huddled within; reassuring their families; praying and begging; or simply lying back and accepting that their lives were over. Even those escaping would have nowhere to go, but the handheld chunk of city. She felt the tickle of electrical wires... the cool touch if the roofs... and finely applied more force, as the thinnest creaks began to run from the apartments' weak, pathetic, pitiful frames... With a panicked look, she lifted her finger up again. The force of her breath was the strongest wind the residents had ever experienced; her heartbeats, the greatest tremors. Below the torn-out patch of land, her knees were buckling in terror. "Uh... Uhuhuhahaha...! Y-you wish... Wh-who even cares about those pests! No, no, I'm going to do something... Even nastier! Truly cruel! I'm... I'm gonna rock you to the core, ruin your hopes and dreams..." She gulped, eyes darting around the grey mass for her next target. "...By smashing this monument into dust beneath my m-mighty grip!" Indeed, two of her fingers were now circling a gigantic sculpture at a major crossing. It was an arch, with an angel at the top. Both her pinky and ring finger slid up to the marble surface, bits of dirt sliding off their tips - making indents in the street below. Though the giantess kept speaking, her tone lowered: less like she was taunting her victims, more as if she were psyching herself up. "Y-yes! Who needs this ghastly rubbish?!... Well, actually, this material has a nice finish... No, no, I'm going to break this apart! Every bit of the unique, spiraling structure, and that base with fine craftsmanship..." Her looming eyes shut, and she looked away, crimson blush filling the sky. "Who... Who cares! This is nothing but an eyesore! Tremble in terror, knowing that in two seconds, I'll knock down this statue with all your hopes and dreams... This polished, intricate structure that you microbes probably spent m-months getting just right, and years maintaining..." The immense fingers closed in from either side of the massive monument. From everywhere in the plaza, residents and tourists gazed up at the two dangling digits, ready to smash the sculpture into a marble pancake. In a flash of anger, her titanic eyes opened, and her white teeth clenched. "T-totally unworthy! Why, it just proves how idiotic you dust mites are! Instead of worshiping a t-true figure of strength and beauty, like myself, you've spent this time building false idols! How proud, how pompous! Well, in *my* new world, we won't need monuments to... uh..." Moving closer, her nose knocking over a few trees, the immense figure looked over to make out the inscription at the arch's base. "Dedicated to every brave woman who rises to the skies. Even when things are hard, as long as this stone stands, we believe in you, now and forever." With a heavy, blustering sigh, the immense girl moved her hand away; leaving yet another part of the city untouched, and the monument safe. "Hah... That's actually... I mean... Kyahaha, this worthless statue isn't enough! I need to feel blood running through my fingers! So I'll smash... Uhm..." Those gigantic eyes turned away, now looking down to her How to be Evil reference manual. Turning the pages with one hand, she mouthed out: "I'll destroy... The tallest building?... I'll... break it down! That's it!" With new energy, she quickly located a sleek skyscraper, with dozens of stories, and shiny widows reflecting her determined glare. With a careful touch on its east and west walls, the colossal girl plucked it from the ground, tearing it from the foundations, and dangling it right before her mouth. It weighed nothing to her. "Your haughty tower of Babel, which dared to compete with my magnificent scale... Feel my wrath as it crumbles apart!" Slowly, she pressed both her thumb and middle finger in, drinking in the moment. This was it. Finally, she'd be the cruel, heartless giantess that the books said she could be. The dawn of a new age for humanity, cowering beneath her! Pinching the tiny, light rod a little harder, she saw cracks forming on the edges of the walls. Lights within flickered on and off: powered by emergency generators. Behind the crumbling, translucent surface, office cubicles tumbled left and right; dividers cracked from the unearthly pressure; doors folded as easily as paper; tables and chairs knocked each other in a domino effect; and most importantly, scurrying specks of people, huddled in safe positions, gazing out with worried eyes. To the titan's delight, the braver ones were posting messages to the glass windows, in a gigantic print. "Ohoh! Finally, a glimpse into the minds of you terrified filth! Let's see you begging..." Scanning the warping, twisting length of the skyscraper, her smug grin slowly sunk lower while she scanned the messages, some spanning multiple floors: "Are you okay, giant girl?" "Breathe slowly, you'll feel better" "Tell us about your problems if you're nervous" As her looming face pulled back, shallow breaths fogging the glass, she noticed: the lights weren't flickering randomly. Across the flimsy structure in her hand, the yellowish illumination formed letters, spelling out the words: "We're here for you" "Aaah?" With half a choke, and half a scream, the behemoth woman became a shade of crimson brighter than anyone had ever seen. The automatic fans and air conditioner system activated, to counteract the intense heat forming in her blushing visage. "You're... pitying me? No, that absolutely isn't allowed! I'm the one who's supposed to..." She sputtered out, words failing. The whole time, she kept pinching harder, letting crackling noises erupt through the skyscraper's halls. "This isn't a joke! I'm the worst existential crisis your species has ever faced! You can't compare... Can't comprehend your sheer insignificant - OW!" All at once, pain jolted from her narrow digits. Her grip loosened. The building descended with a dull *thud* into a forest of soft, leafy trees. Was that an attack from the tiny people? Nay; peering at her hand, the all-powerful, titanic giantess realized that cracking glass with bare skin really, really hurt. With her other hand still busy holding the chunk of city in midair, she couldn't pull the shards out from her digit. Thus, the populace witnessed their sadistic captor sucking her fingertip to soothe the agony: while she tried her best to avoid eye contact with any of them. "...Haha, I'm not hurt! *suck* I..." Licking her flesh wound a little, she made a dramatic pause, tumbling over half-formed words. "...just licked up a tiny dust mite who was clinging on my finger! His... fear was... delicious!... In my belly!" Her enormous chest puffed out, as she rubbed her stomach in exaggerated motions, below the hovering chunk of ground. With her finger out of her mouth, covered in spittle, she brushed a few strands of hair out of her looming face; and stretched her jaws out wide. It was an endless cavern of soft, flexing ridges. Stalactites of drool splashed into vast rivers and ponds, flowing across the blonde colossus' tongue. Stagnant, minty mists wafted from the watering chasm. The titan pointed into her mouth, and taunted: "He's only the appetizer! I'll swallow you all next!" (Or rather, she spoke the closest possible approximation to those words, while keeping her mouth agape for all to see.) That black hole of a jaw quickly hovered towards an edge of town, sprawling with growth and development. Whole city blocks wouldn't even make a mouthful for the ravenous, incoming maw. Locked in a smug grin, the white walls of teeth could easily shred through cement and bedrock. The closer the gargantuan mouth grew, the slower it seemed to move. Her tongue slid out with a squelch. It slipped across highway-sized folds in her rose-coloured lips; wetting them to a glisten in a long slurp. Eagerly, the massive rosy muscle flexed out, displaying rows upon rows of taste buds. The tongue's soft tip licked around the highest roofs and chimneys below, coating them in dew from her breath... ...And instantly arching back. On reflex, the gigantic girl pulled her head away, and began choking. "Urgh! *Gack* - wha - The guide didn't say people'd taste this revolting!" Her free hand desperately clawed her tongue, trying to rip the foul flavor out. The skies filled with the fair face going green and wide-eyed in disgust. She scooped up tides of seawater and gargled them rapidly; spitting into the ocean as she reeled over. "What kinda poison was that...?!" Examining the chunk of metropolis anew, her majestic eyes narrowed in on the zone she'd slurped. It was full of heavy industrial plants, smoking out smog; waste processing facilities; and sizeable landfill in the center, with employees fleeing in garbage trucks. The giantess' shallow, shocked breaths blew across the streets. From the perspective down below, the minuscule populace could see every tiny twitch, fidget, and bend in their captor's visage, as realization dawned and spread through her. "...D-disgusting! Making me eat garbage... Your city doesn't deserve being on my dinner plate!" To punctuate that last statement, she slammed her hand down dramatically... And froze. Something was breaking underneath. A whole region of cityscape lay beneath her pinky. In but an instant, dozens of structures buckled and crumbled like clay underneath the touch of her flesh. Dust clouds of rubble exploded from the soft, squeezing touch. Higher floors broke into lower ones, until the skin compressed entire block into a thin wafer. This all happened too quickly for the immense woman to process. She removed the digit slowly, panting in terror. The pillar of flesh and muscle rained rubble as it twitched in the air. There was nothing left of those city blocks - except a deep crater, a perfect fingerprint. All that remained of the buildings were dust clinging to her finger. "Oh gosh, they're on my hands... I really did it... S-so much gone..." She first wiped the filth on her top's fabric, trying to make it look effortless; then rigorously, as she had trouble removing the faded-grey stain from her clothing. Pointing to the grey mark, she gloated, forcing a smile: "...This is what happens... When you little people don't...suit my palate!..." With her hill-like nose stuck up, she tried to hide the panic and tears rushing through her eyes. "I wonder... how many of you did I... c-c-cru...*gulp* ...I mean, sssqui..." With her composure slowly fading, she breathed in hurricanes of unstable gasps through clenched teeth. "Oh my God, my stomach's twisting..." In an instant, the entire population stared to the skies... and applauded. Nobody had lived in that area beneath her pinky for a year, thanks to soil contamination and poor architecture. The city council marked it for a lengthy and expensive demolition process... but this mysterious, massive benefactor had just cleared their problems out in the swipe if a finger. Giant monitors displayed news programs, proudly announced the after-effects of her destruction: property values skyrocketed, pollution levels shrunk, and they already planned to start developing the land again. Officials planned to repay her; starting by offering stomach medicine, since she still looked sick from that trick with her tongue. Taking notice of the hubbub, the giantess sighed, shoulders sinking - in what could have been either relief, or exasperation. "Yes... Enjoy your luck... while you still can! You'll regret tarnishing the name of the Great Conqueror Goddess!... No, I mean, the Supreme Apocalypse Crusher!... That's too unspecific..." Musing over the right title to give herself, she paced a little on the shore. Tremors ran through otherwise-untouched neighboring lands, as the titanic toes tapped in thought. "'The Sadistic Destroyer...' That's closer, but too direct... 'The Almighty Devourer Who's Renounced Human Morality'... But if I take over or break the world, won't human morality change? 'The Big Gal'..." She murmured: "Anything but my real name, that's waaay too embarrassing..." Realizing the city could probably still hear that, the girl halted. Her all-seeing glare shot to the landscape of buildings, parks, streets, and people with sympathetic smiles. She clenched her teeth. "Anyway, you'll suffer for this! As for how..." Quickly, she whipped out the weighty "How to be Evil" tome for reference. Her eyebrows descended upon reading one passage: first inquisitively, then incredulously. Breathlessly, the giantess mouthed out "...seriously?..." before shutting the book and holding her looming temples. After a second to regain her composure, the chunk of ground began rumbling again. She leaned down to her knees, and began pulling her shoe off. Her back swayed a little, off-balance from forcing off her tight, leviathan loafers. "Kyahaha, why waste time - *gng* - destroying you one by - *tch* - one? I'll snuff you all out - *hff* - in one step from my - *guh* - big... sweaty..." Her hands were now unrolling her wet kneesock. The monolithic maiden bit her lip, doing all she could not to facepalm in shame. "...smelly... feet... Which are also unwashed... and... large...? Is this still intimating...?" After considerable tugging and twisting, she stood barefoot before the shores; her socks neatly folded into either mountainous shoe. Looking down, still hiding her toes in the salty waves, she took notice of the neighboring settlements: tens of thousands tiny people, if not more, staring up at her massive form and massive failures. With a brief blush, the woman declared: "...You're not safe, either! To make sure you can't run..." Digging beneath the bedrock with her free left hand, and struggling to keep the city even in her right hand, she tore more chunks of the country's urban areas into her hands. Her palm gently deposited each landmass into her shoes, atop acres of soaking kneesock fabrics; surrounding them with brown barriers of fake leather quarters. "Enjoy being my... insole? Is that the right word, when there's a sock underneath?... Whatever!" Despite her taunting, only a faint breeze of her foot's odor drifted over them, combined with a subtle increase in temperature. With those miniature masses of the populace in place, she focused on the main course: the dense metropolis in her grip. Cupping her hand at its "base", she lowered the island down the length of her body. Within the teeny skyscrapers and houses, it was like being in an elevator going down: as their horizon passed by her slender neck; the stained surface of her chest; a gargantuan torso; and eventually, her curving hips. And below, her right leg lifted into the skies. Her knee's curvature passed them to the south. Her ankle dripped water as it rose, sole stretched out above the continent. The giant foot kept rising, as the landmass descended... ...Until they both reached a stop, both shaking near each other. The blonde behemoth's free arm stretched out to balance herself. She wasn't used to standing on one foot for this long. To make matters worse, the platform in her palm was fairly tall, from the tips of skyscrapers to the lowest subways. Chilling waters crashed at her left leg. She stared down, trying to position the cityscape beneath her sole; wiggling her toes as she struggled to get them in place. From the distant clouds, she said: "Uh, I can... feel you suffering in anticipation! Shivering in fear of my... foot's... power! Give me... give me a second..." Almost-imperceptible winces spiked through her face as she bent her leg and arm at uncomfortable angles. This was way harder than it looked in the diagrams. "Maybe I should just slap them into my sole... B-but what if I get it at the wrong angle, and they just fall off?... That's not as scary and humiliating as stepping on them, is it?... I should just put them down... But then I'll look like a total idiot for picking them up in the first place..." Her aching ankle and wrist both spun, one joint always barely out of the other's reach. Too high, or too low... And every time she came close, another bit of stirring on the seafloor tilted her focus and balance off. The gigantic girl groaned. "What's the point of this foot stuff anyway? The guide should've given leg exercises..." When she was just about ready to give up, a sudden rumble ripped through the seas below. Shock traversed the city - and their looming captor was just as stunned. That shaking wasn't her. It rattled from the ocean floor. On advanced, microscopic computers, sensors detected an ancient underwater volcano erupting. It battered the shoreline with intense, shredding tidal walls. The beaches instantly ended up submerged instantly. The waves were high enough to reach further inland... ...And to knock the massive girl's left leg off-balance. She yelped in surprise at the water's intense pressure and coldness. "W-woah!" Like a mighty timber toppling, her leg fell back. This sudden jerk tossed the chunk of earth up out of her hands. She tried to stop her fall by waving her arms, with no luck. Her mountainous backside splashed into the blue sea, froth erupting out of it. The submarine sand beneath her felt itchy and invasive. "No fair, that was a sneak attack!... N-now I know I look worthless..." The gargantuan woman clenched her fist in frustration... Before looking at her empty palm, and realizing she'd let go of the city! In the skies, the tossed metropolis entered freefall. It was like descending in a downwards elevator again for its population - now, faster and wilder. Loose objects, vehicles, and people flew in the air. Furniture clumped around ceilings. People clutched to any wires or poles that would hold them. All the while, they knew that they wouldn't last long. With the raging seas below, their civilization would soon join with Atlantis, a submerged shipwreck of all they knew. The smell of saltwater grew stronger with each nanosecond. They cried in panic; revealed long-kept secrets; wrote down their last wishes... Before landing with a light *thump* in their giantess' pillowy palm. She'd swam a short distance, and made a diving leap, to ensure she caught them. Her face planted directly in the water, dripping across its vast surface. As it resurfaced, she sputtered out water, coughing a little. Her eyebrows rose in worry. "Is... Is everyone okay? Was that landing soft enough? Too sudden? I think the dirt absorbed some shock, but I don't know if my hand is gentle enough..." Examining the waters, sifting through them, she found no broken buildings, citizens, or even dirt clumps. The two discarded shoes were floating; she quickly gathered them together. Thankfully, their height and sturdiness was enough to protect the people within from the raging floods. "Oh, good! You're fine!..." Suddenly, the relieved smile snapped off her face. With her last remaining atoms of pride, she put her left hand to her hip, stuttering. "Great, because... I wanted to be sure none of you tiny specks escaped! Dying from gravity... or drowning... is... Too merciful! I'll grant you a... longer, more agonizing, and tortuous death! S-so don't think I wanted to help you... Dummies!" At that, she glared at the city, ready to see them staring up and shivering... ...And found a joyous celebration in progress. Multicolored balloons flew in the air. Cheers and chants of excitement and joy, in a thousand different tongues, echoed loud enough for her to clearly hear. Lights from the rooftops flickered on and off; before, at once, flashing together to say "Thank you, giant girl!" "What? No, you should be... scared... horrified!" She frantically flipped through the manual, her shrinking pupils darting side-to-side between its words and the minuscule populace. "What do I do? Surprise party... Festival... Thank-yous... Kindness... People wanting to hug me?... Th-there's nothing on that in here! I don't get it... I don't understand!" With a glowing blush, she lowered the city back in the ground, in its original position. The red on her face only grew when placing her shoes' captives back - each of them were celebrating and showing appreciation, too. With nothing left to do, she grabbed her footwear, and inhaled as deeply as possible. "Kya...Kyahaha! You... may have bested me this battle, but... You'll all live in fear, knowing you're nothing but moss and dirt beneath my heels! As long as pathetic, miserable humans scurry across the Earth's face... your omnipotent goddess will be looming above you... waiting to rise again!" She crossed both arms, and shouted her last words - returning to the mists of the ocean from whence she came. The thunderous applause stretched across the country, and lasted long after her silhouette sunk into the horizon. Studies in the future would prove: if it hadn't been for that giantess' appearance, the city and its neighboring regions would be completely flooded by the underwater volcano's after-effects. By ripping those chunks of land out, she'd kept them safe: either in the skies, or with leathery walls to protect them from the worst of the tidal waves. In fact, her shoes and body had acted as barriers, keeping the rest of the continent safe from the oceans' assault. Her presence alone had saved millions. Officials started new work to protect the land from further threats, of course. Better infrastructure, more geological research. But they never forgot the day that this massive, generous girl rescued them all. She had some odd quirks, sure, and stumbled a bit: but those were only part of a fond memory now. They knew that, should their own efforts fail, the blonde behemoth would return to their rescue... gloating and fidgeting all the way. Within the fingerprint she left behind, a sprawling, peaceful park now sat. Everyone wanted it named after their beloved giantess; but she was too humble to give them her name. Instead, at the very center, families rested under the shade of a beautiful marble statue: their wonderful guardian angel watching over a diorama of the city, eternally in her loving hold, cheering them on to ascend to new heights. And in her left arm, a massive book of helpful wisdom. Chapter End Notes: gtscommissions wanted this as a sequel to a story I wrote years back: Though you can read them in any order, they're standalones with the same "villain". Despite not having touched it in years, and losing the image that inspired me entirely, it felt natural getting into her mindset. This longer format let me examine her from a few new angles! In terms of some physics or impossibilities popping in: reality only applies when it makes things more embarassing for her. Thanks again to gtscommissions for the input, and the feedback as I sent ideas and snippets!