TFW No Giant GF's Cool Website for Attractive People!
Welcome to my website! It's not done yet.
Please do not enter or read if you are under 18! 
i am contacting you to bring you stories about giant girls using the power of the INTERNET
News from February 2025! A lotta the pages here rely on filegarden, which is a bit flakey! If an image is broken LMK and I can fixit!
Now see here:
My accounts (cool places)
My favorite types of girls to be big
- Irresponsible teachers
- Yukari Tanizaki
- Nanako Kuroi
- Sawako Yamanaka
- Kazuko Saotome
- Misato and Palutena sometimes)
- Love Freaks with Don Quixote complexes
- Flonne from Disgaea
- Linkle
- Amelia Sailune
- L'Arachel
- Nyotalia America
- sometimes Haruhi Suzumiya and Ayame Kajou because they're happy and enthusiastic
- Perky evil minions
- Excel from Excel Saga
- Cultist-Chan
- Harley Quinn (yes i like western cartoon comic comedic girls too suck it weebs)
- sometimes Tron Bonne
- Gloomy, lonely, obsessive girls
- Sally
- Hex Manaic
- Tomoko Kuroki
- Ace Attorney Sidekicks
My not likes are
- Mean people unless they are mean to me in a hot way
- New anime until a few years pass and they're old anime and then I like them
- 2.: nuts (but i like peanuts) (and deez nuts) (and nuts.wad)
- Super Mario Sunshine (still has gooder water fx than Sonic Adventures though)
- I like shooter games and fighter games but i'm bad at them and never win so i pretend not to like them
- wojaks (trollface and rage faces are better) and meme frogs (except keroro gunso)
- Canada Style Weather (cold)
I plan to put more stories up but here is some of them that i like:
I support the trans rights and feminism and I like hentai games from the 90s.
(Curious what this means? Ask a trans person they probably know better than I would)
My coding credentials and resume
- i'm really good at Wario Ware DIY
Music playing now: Flashbeagle